صورة المساق STR TH Structure of a Thesis: Example of a Thesis in Qualitative Research
Dotorat 1 ère année
Unité d'Enseignement: Méthologie
Semèstre: Semèstre 2
1. Title Page |
2. Dedications and Acknowledgments |
3. Summary |
4. Various Lists |
5. Abstract |
6. General Introduction |
7. Main Body of the Document |
8. General Conclusion |
9. Bibliography |
10. Appendices |
11. Table of Contents |
Practice … |
صورة المساق Protocoles Verbaux Atelier doctoral en Didactique : Protocoles Verbaux
Dotorat 1 ère année
Unité d'Enseignement: Méthologie
Semèstre: Semèstre 2
Protocoles verbaux :
Présentation d’un travail scientifique devant un public
صورة المساق QR Qualitative research: From the raised question to the presentation of the study's results
Dotorat 1 ère année
Unité d'Enseignement: Méthologie
Semèstre: Semèstre 2
Preliminary Part: Some basic definitions |
Part 01: Identifying the topic/formulating the problem |
Part 02: Defining the research strategy |
Part 03: Searching for and collecting data/finding sources |
Part 04: Analyzing the data |
Part 05: Presenting the results/drawing conclusions |
Practice … |