صورة المساق STR TH Structure of a Thesis: Example of a Thesis in Qualitative Research
Dotorat 1 ère année
Unité d'Enseignement: Méthologie
Semèstre: Semèstre 2

1. Title Page

2. Dedications and Acknowledgments

3. Summary

4. Various Lists

5. Abstract

6. General Introduction

7. Main Body of the Document

8. General Conclusion

9. Bibliography

10. Appendices

11. Table of Contents

Practice …

صورة المساق Protocoles Verbaux Atelier doctoral en Didactique : Protocoles Verbaux
Dotorat 1 ère année
Unité d'Enseignement: Méthologie
Semèstre: Semèstre 2

Protocoles verbaux :

Présentation d’un travail scientifique devant un public

صورة المساق QR Qualitative research: From the raised question to the presentation of the study's results
Dotorat 1 ère année
Unité d'Enseignement: Méthologie
Semèstre: Semèstre 2

Preliminary Part: Some basic definitions

Part 01: Identifying the topic/formulating the problem

Part 02: Defining the research strategy

Part 03: Searching for and collecting data/finding sources

Part 04: Analyzing the data

Part 05: Presenting the results/drawing conclusions

Practice …